Lately I had to face inserting text in my app in different languages: English, Spanish, German, Chinese, Arabic, ...
What I first thought was how wonderful it would be to have all the texts in a string and change the label content depending on the selected language. Now, how intelligent labels are? Can they "understand odd symbols"? Actually, I was surprised of how simple was with the chinese: copy and paste the symbols. Tip: if you just want to insert Chinese symbols (for example, if you don't have yet the text and just want to try), don't search for "chinese symbols", instead use the google translator ;)
It doesn't depend on the font, it works with all I have tried (in this site)
So, if it's so simple, why did I write a post? Because after that I realized that the Arabic was a bit more complicated than Chinese or Japanese. It's written from right to left!
As the Arabic is written in this different direction, the label must be aligned on the right. In addition, it's not possible to change the property once the label is initialized. For this reason, I had to change the structure of the labels because before I had one label and I changed the text (which, actually, wasn't performing better than creating a new label).
But it wasn't working yet, the text was written backwards, so there was still something I was missing. There was no possibility of changing it in the label. I was surprised I couldn't find in internet any solution for this, what, in my opinion, should be a common problem. Maybe I'm loosing my ability of search in google and find an answer in Stackoverflow.
The solution was given to me by my good fairy, Alejandro, with a Wikipedia article about RLM and the wonderful unicode codes. It was like magic, just inserting \u200f at the beginning of the Arabic text and the problem was fixed. Checking whether a text is correct or not is king of fun when you don't even know the language.
What I first thought was how wonderful it would be to have all the texts in a string and change the label content depending on the selected language. Now, how intelligent labels are? Can they "understand odd symbols"? Actually, I was surprised of how simple was with the chinese: copy and paste the symbols. Tip: if you just want to insert Chinese symbols (for example, if you don't have yet the text and just want to try), don't search for "chinese symbols", instead use the google translator ;)
It doesn't depend on the font, it works with all I have tried (in this site)
So, if it's so simple, why did I write a post? Because after that I realized that the Arabic was a bit more complicated than Chinese or Japanese. It's written from right to left!
As the Arabic is written in this different direction, the label must be aligned on the right. In addition, it's not possible to change the property once the label is initialized. For this reason, I had to change the structure of the labels because before I had one label and I changed the text (which, actually, wasn't performing better than creating a new label).
But it wasn't working yet, the text was written backwards, so there was still something I was missing. There was no possibility of changing it in the label. I was surprised I couldn't find in internet any solution for this, what, in my opinion, should be a common problem. Maybe I'm loosing my ability of search in google and find an answer in Stackoverflow.
The solution was given to me by my good fairy, Alejandro, with a Wikipedia article about RLM and the wonderful unicode codes. It was like magic, just inserting \u200f at the beginning of the Arabic text and the problem was fixed. Checking whether a text is correct or not is king of fun when you don't even know the language.
For short, what did I do to insert text in Arabic in Cocos2D?
- Write in a string the text starting with the rlm unicode mark at the beginning.
- Create a label with the correct align.
- Add the label to the corresponding layer
Only three steps and very easy, isn't it? I hope this helps anyone with the same problem